Does Viagra Let You Stay Erect after Ejaculation? My Experience

viagra erect after ejaculationI once had the ability to maintain an erection after orgasm FOR A VERY SHORT TIME in my late teens, when I first started having sex.

As soon as the bubbling testosterone of adolescence subsided, I no longer maintained the mental or physical ability to fight through the arousal-killing prolactin jump that came with an ejaculation.

Many men experience the same.

The amount of prolactin released after ejaculating dictates how strong a man’s refractory period is going to be.  Some men continue to release low levels of prolactin after ejaculation throughout their lives, and they keep the ability to stay hard after an ejaculation.

They are the minority, however… I do not know many men who can do this.

So then there’s a cheat code… Viagra.

Will Viagra Give Me Enough Erection Strength To Stay Hard After Ejaculating??

In the early days of my sex life (just around the time I lost the ability to stay hard after ejaculation), I was dating a girl who had found her father’s Viagra bottle, and kept a pill for us to use (man… I hope Karma doesn’t come back and kick me in the ass for everything I’ve done…).

I popped the pill, with this test in mind: “will Viagra allow me to keep my erection after I ejaculate?”

Well it did…

…to a degree.

By then, my refractory period was pretty strong already, so when I ejaculated, it took a good swipe at my mental arousal, and knocked a whole lot off of my erection, but I persevered…

I was able to continue on penetrating with 60 – 70% erection level, which quickly returned to 100%…

What I Learned About Viagra And The Refractory Period

Your ability to stay hard after ejaculating while on Viagra depends on a couple of things… how mentally aroused (horny) you are, and if you exercise.  Then with the help of Viagra, you should have the mental strength and physical strength in your erection to continue on until a second, maybe even third, ejaculation.

Your erection may flag a little immediately after you ejaculate, but with some continued stimulation, it should easily come back.

If a smaller dose doesn’t work, a larger dose will most likely do the trick.

How To Maintain An Erection After Orgasm WITHOUT VIAGRA

There is a way you can “cheat the system” by blocking off ejaculation during orgasm.  It is the ejaculation, not orgasm (two separate “events” happening simultaneously), that causes the prolactin boost that wipes out your erection and libido.

Block the ejaculation, and you’ll have a never ending erection that you can use to penetrate her for as you’d like. For more on how to eliminate the refractory period with the male multiple orgasm technique, see here…

For more information on how to strengthen your erections naturally without the need for medication, see here…

Have a good one!!

-David Carreras aka Mr. Manpower
Mr. Manpower’s Guide to
Overall Manhood Enhancement

[email protected]

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How To Maintain Erection After Orgasm; Never Go Soft!

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