Overcome Psychological Erectile Dysfunction WITHOUT Medication!
If you resort to taking medication of any sort, whether it be Cialis or Viagra, in order to overcome psychological ED / mental ED, then you will be creating a dependency on it.
Not a physical dependence, but a mental one. You will get used to having to take a pill in order to get an erection, and when you do not have your pills with you? Then what... No sex?
That is dependence.
Rather than getting to the source of the mental ED (anxiety, nerves, pressure or guilt), and learning how to work through it, you are just treating the outer symptoms. Just like taking cough drops for a sore throat when sick; you are not shortening your cold, just easing the symptom.
You need to beat psychological ED in the mind, where it starts.
I receive emails like the one below on a daily basis — Men experiencing ED due to extreme anxiety before sex, just wanting to get their erections back to normal:
Hello David,
I see you are helping people with their erectile problems. I have a problem that has been freaking me out.. Im 20 years old, and I lost my virginity 2 months ago to a girl I love. But the thing is, I can not seem to keep an erection.
At first I could not keep an erection long enough to penetrate. Now I can keep an erection for a few minutes but I still end up losing my erection during sex, and I have to pull out, in order to play with it a bit more so I can finish. I also lose my erection when putting on a condom.
My girlfriend says that this is a problem that both of us will face, and that she will be with me no matter what. But the thing is we have been going through this for more than a month now. Please help me im very desperate. Thank you in advance.
My response:
Hello Ivan:
You have found a good girl. Stick with her. You will get through this, and be very happy afterwards.
Psychological erectile dysfunction is a very common problem in men, both young and old. And the funny thing is each man that goes through psychological ED feels that he is the only one in the world going through it and deep down he is positive that there is something physically wrong with his penis...
... Wrong and wrong. Almost every man in the world has experienced this mental block to getting an erection at least once in their life, if not various times throughout their lives.
And there is NOTHING physically wrong with these men.
If you wake up in the morning with an erection, even if not every morning, then that shows you your erection functions just fine. You can rule out any physical problem at that moment. What you are facing is completely mental. Defeat the problem in your mind, and your erections will come back in full swing.
I myself experienced the issue when I was younger, and thankfully, in time, I learned to overcome the problem. And the fact that you have a loving and understanding girlfriend will make it easier for you.
I, on the other hand, was told the following things from women during one-night stands, quick flings with high maintenance women, and other not-so-comfortable sexual situations:
- "Are you gay or something?"
- "Her boyfriend fucked her so hard, how come you can't do that?"
- "What is wrong with your dick?"
and my all time favorite...
- "You're a scallywag" (I think she had no idea what a scallywag was, but she didn't mean it kindly).
Overcoming psychological erectile dysfunction in that environment was a bit more unforgiving.
I remember when I first failed to get an erection because of my anxiety... the next day I wanted to try again with this girl so bad, just to "test" that my erection worked, and to prove to her that I was a normal guy.
On the way to her house I stopped by a gas station and bought a Red Bull and one of those Stud 500 sex pills they sell at the counter, and the attendant told me: “YOU ARE TOO YOUNG FOR THAT!!”
At times like this I was living in a vicious cycle of shame, anxiety, and lack of confidence leading to less and less ability to get hard during sex, which further increased the shame, anxiety and low self esteem, and so on and so on...
But I got out of it. Any man can, and it's not as difficult as it seems.
You need to get into the proper mindstate to overcome psychological ED, and this includes:
- Taking it nice and slow. Rushing increases anxiety. Slowing it down allows arousal to grow.
- Do not think about becoming erect, think about getting as horny as possible — your erection knows what to do. You can't mentally will an erection to happen. Try and "force" yourself to get hard, and the opposite occurs.
- Get as aroused as possible before putting on the condom. Also, do not rush to put the condom on right away. Fortify your erection with physical stimulation first for at least a minute or longer, and then calmly put on your condom.
There are also a number physical things you can do to help speed up the process of becoming fully erect, even if feeling anxious. But the above points should give you a rough idea of the mindstate needed to beat the problem.
Overcoming Psychological ED / Mental ED - Seems Complicated, But Really Isn't
Not being able to get an erection before sex can be a humiliating and frustrating experience... It can also become an obsessive worry — you may begin to worry about it even when you're not having sex.
If you are going to beat psychological ED, you need to see it clearly for what it is... a block to the powerful arousing force that should be flooding into your erection, with the signal being set off in the brain.
Luckily, over the years I've learned how to beat it every time, have analyzed how I do this, and have put my technique together in an easy-to-digest guide for overcoming psychological erectile dysfunction.
Using this same technique THOUSANDS of men have beat this mental block on their own, and for good.
- For more information on natural techniques to achieve physically harder, longer-lasting erections, see here...
- Overcoming psychological ED and achieving stronger erections is all part of Mr. Manpower's Guide. Download the guide here, and get your rock-hard erections back today; Guaranteed results!
Have a good one!
-David Carreras aka Mr. Manpower
Mr. Manpower's Guide to
Overall Manhood Enhancement
[email protected]