Do you currently have hard erections?
Well, your erections can be even physically harder and last longer… they can last so long that you can keep your erection after ejaculation for a long while… long enough to give a woman another orgasm, and oftentimes long enough to reach a second ejaculation.
There are several ways to do this, and one great way is with squats and leg workouts. Squats help erectile dysfunction and overall strengthen your erections.
How Squats Help Erectile Dysfunction
When squatting, besides activating the quadricep, hamstring and glute muscles, combined to make the largest muscle groups in your body (and the more muscle mass you workout, the more testosterone produced) squats improve circulation around the whole pelvic area, bringing “life” to the area. In this way, squats help erectile dysfunction naturally and with excellent results.
After performing squats for some time, I definitely experienced an improvement in erectile function, especially immediately after the workout for some time. I wouldn’t be amazed if it strengthens the PC / BC / Pelvic swing on the up motion as well.
When trying to gain strength in the area, and therefore testosterone, the idea is to try and increase the amount you can lift, systematically. Even if just by a little bit. It can feel like a two steps forward one step back process, with some days harder than others, but in time, you should work to try and build size.
Some tips to keep in mind when strengthening your leg muscles for a testosterone boost:
- Warm up with some stretches, and always start your first set with light weight.
- Drink lots of water before, during and after your workout.
- Eat a good meal (protein and carbs) two hours before working out (so that you have some fuel and muscle building material, but not so soon that you are still digesting while working out), and then eat a good meal as soon as you finish your workout (to feed and heal the muscles).
- Try and go “ass to the grass” when you squat (as low as possible) to activate the glute muscles… unless you have bad knees, then just go as low as possible, and feel a stretch in glute area.
- Start off with some weight that you can lift easily, just to warm up. Then push it to something you can do about 10 times without much of a problem. Then begin pushing yourself a bit. Even if you only hit 4 reps, if it’s heavy weight, you’re getting a major strength increase (and therefore T injection).
- When squatting don’t use the smith machine, use the free bar. Feel free to switch up occasionally to the smith machine, but use the free bar more often. Needing to balance increases strength.
If you are working out just to increase male libido, then leg workouts are your best bet. Along with squats, leg press and deadlift are great. But in my opinion, due to the range of motion, squats help erectile dysfunction more than most other leg workouts.
Also, you can finish these leg workouts in under 45 minutes, sometimes less.
Squats help Erectile Dysfunction, but so do the following:
- Get some sunlight when possible
- Get some cardio
- Perform kegels on a regular basis
- Increase your Vitamin D intake
Natural erectile dysfunction treatments like yohimbe, tribulus terrestris, tongkat ali, muira puama can give your erection an extra kick too.
These are just some easy things you can do to naturally boost erection quality immediately, but there are more advanced techniques to REALLY supercharge your erections.
- For more natural ways to develop much harder, longer-lasting erections, without the need for medication, see here: How To Develop Stronger Erections
All a doctor will do for you is write a prescription… take your erection strength into your own hands… you have much more potency than you think.
Have a good one!
-David Carreras aka Mr. Manpower
Mr. Manpower’s Guide to
Overall Manhood Enhancement
“the ultimate sex guide for men… male potency without drugs“
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