Nothing more frustrating than not being able to get an erection when with a girl.
You begin to worry about a million things… “could there be something wrong with my penis?”… “does she think less of me?”… “will I have to take medication to get an erection for the rest of my life?”…
I’ve been there, and I understand.
You are not the only one experiencing this situation and feeling these feelings. EVERY MAN, at least once in his life, has experienced this mental erectile dysfunction (aka sexual performance anxiety aka psychological ED)… many face it over and over, and never learn how to fully overcome it.
Happened to me in the early days of my sex life. I had a girlfriend for a couple of years whom I NEVER had a problem getting an erection with. During some time apart, I had sex with another girl, and COULD NOT GET AN ERECTION. And the chick was hot, so it wasn’t that she couldn’t arouse me Freaked me the fuck out, to say the least…
Long story short, through studying my emotions, researching/reading, and conversation with guys who went through it, I learned the technique to conquer this erectile dysfunction mental block once and for all.
How to Overcome ED Mentally… Beat Mental Block Erectile Dysfunction Once and For All
First of all, you should know that unless you are in your 60’s, extremely out of shape, or on high dosages of certain medications (certain antidepressants, blood pressure meds), any erectile dysfunction you face most likely has a mental cause. If you wake up with hard morning wood, even if it’s only once in a while, your erection works just fine.
Also, don’t listen to that BS advice of “just be confident”. That’s the worst shit you can do. If you aren’t feeling confident, don’t force yourself to act confident. On top of the anxiety you feel before sex, you’ll be adding to it some forced acting? 1) you won’t become familiar with the feelings you need to overcome, because you’ll be concentrating on putting on an act, and 2) we’re all humans… we all face anxieties, fears and worries. No shame in that.
To reduce your anxiety and improve the chances of arousal kicking that blood flow into your penis: Take your time, get as mentally aroused as possible (use her body to get as horny as possible… she’ll get aroused in the process), put the girls hand on your crotch once it has a little “arousal jumpstart”… there are also some “erection exercises” that work to give you physically harder erections.
If you want to conquer this problem today (and for the rest of your life), as well as achieve stronger, longer lasting erections, I can show you how… check this out: How To Overcome Mental Block Erectile Dysfunction
Have a good one!!
-David Carreras aka Mr. Manpower
Mr Manpower’s Guide to
Overall Manhood Enhancement
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