I’m a big fan of penis enlargement due to the positive effect it has on my flaccid penis size… The larger erection is great, without a doubt, but the bigger, hanging flaccid size is my favorite part.
Before penis enlargement I was always a “grow-er”, which usually isn’t an issue, but did lead to some embarrassing experiences. Before penis enlargement, my flaccid size was always small, while my erect size wasn’t all that bad (average length, bit more than average girth).
Due to the fact that I was always interested in the flaccid gains PE exercises gave me, it would be quite bothersome when I’d perform the exercises, and on some occasions, my penis would actually shrink up and “turtle”. I paid attention, and learned how to prevent penis turtling.
(Note: If you are looking to learn how to prevent penis turtling in general, even without doing penis enlargement exercises, then PE exercises could be a great solution for you. Your penis will hang longer, heavier and larger, and you won’t experience this “disappearing act” anymore – long as you follow the steps here).
Make Sure to Warm Up Long Enough, Until Your Penis is “Pliable” In Order to Prevent Penis Turtling
Warming up is not the exciting part of penis enlargement. Usually, you want to get right to it. But skip it, or don’t warm up sufficiently, and your penis will turtle.
Warming up the penis tissue makes it easier to work with, more pliable, and might actually increase your gains. Not warming up may cause your penis to not be in a “ready” state, and can actually cause a bit of a “defensive reaction” out of it, leading to penis turtling.
These are the two methods I use to warm up before penis enlargement:
- A long sock filled with dry rice, tied in the end, and then warmed up in microwave (rice sock)
- Hot water from the shower, while you cup your hands underneath
If you have the time, the rice sock seems to provide a better warm-up, being that it can better cover all areas and provides even heat. Any other heat source, such as heating pads, should work.
My issue is I like to do the exercises in the shower (kill two birds with one stone, privacy reasons), so it’s generally easier to do the second method.
Take your time… at least a couple of minutes under the heat source, and cover all areas best possible. Also, return to the heat source periodically between stretches, and after your exercises, due to warmth’s positive effect on growth of tissue mentioned above.
Other Steps to Prevent Penis Turtling During Penis Enlargement
- You do not want to put too much pressure on the dorsal nerve that runs along the top of the shaft, from base to penis head. Proper jelqing grip and technique will ensure that continued pressure to the dorsal nerve is avoided (web between thumb and index finger always running over top so there’s less pressure).
- Stretching too hard or putting too much pressure on the shaft while jelqing can also get your penis to “react” and go on the defensive.
- A periodic back-and-forth slap of the flaccid penis, in an up-and-down and side-by-side motion will allow your penis to stay more “alive” between exercises, especially stretches . Go back and do this motion 25 times in each direction, every so often.
- I feel penis enlargement exercises are more effective after a full night’s sleep, earlier in the day. Our penis seems to match our energy levels for some reason… and seem more pliable when there’s more energy.
Follow these steps, and you’ll have much less of a chance of your penis turtling (hey, it’s always a possibility, but I guarantee you it will be happening much less, if at all).
I’ve researched a good bit about penis enlargement over the years, and have made some significant gains. There are several aspects to penis enlargement that are most important to me:
- Safety and keeping penis function perfect
- Making the most out of the time (making exercises most efficient possible as to gains made / time spent)
- Increasing flaccid size
- Increasing overall erect length
As to girth gains, while never one of my main goals, I’ve picked up a couple of highly effective exercises which have added more girth to what I already had. For my guide to penis enlargement and personal routine, see here.
And any questions you may have, just shoot them over!
-David Carreras aka Mr. Manpower
Mr. Manpower’s Guide to
Overall Manhood Enhancement
The Ultimate Sex Guide for Men… “male potency without drugs”
[email protected]