Bigger Flaccid Penis Hang After Heavy Leg Workout

The flaccid penis is a funny thing.

If you’re not a natural “show-er”, certain things can seem to make it shrink up some, and others can cause it to increase in size and bloodflow / circulation.

While I have a much bigger flaccid penis size, even on my worse day, compared to how I was in my pre-penis enlargement days, there are still fluctuations in it’s HANG.

Some days it just seems to have this crazy weight and hang to it.

Things that I suspect influence how big or small your flaccid hang is:

  • Amount of sleep you get (most important factor – sleeping fully and deeply improves circulation and testosterone production)
  • Nutrition… quality carbs, protein and fats seem to have a positive influence on flaccid hang
  • Amount of caffeine (I love coffee, but it seems to kill the “life” that goes to the flaccid penis – temporarily – I won’t cut it out though!)
  • Exercise – both cardio and weight training

A Heavy Weight Training / Leg Workout Gave Me A Bigger Flaccid Penis

leg workout increases flaccid penis sizeI’m currently walking around with a much bigger flaccid penis than normal… yes, in the mornings, when I first wake up, if I’m not erect, I’m usually quite hung…

But right now, my flaccid penis is longer and heavier than usual… and the only difference I can see is that I just finished a THOROUGH leg workout!

Lately, for my leg workouts, rather than packing on massive weight, and doing exercises 75% correct, I’m putting on slightly less, and going ASS TO THE GRASS (full range of motion)… on everything.

While not reaching my normal top set of 315 lbs in squats, I ended up with two plates on each side, but went ALL THE WAY DOWN… activated deep in my glute muscles and upper hamstrings.  Woke up all the testosterone factory… came in with a loudspeaker, and kicked everyone’s ass in there…

All the way to the ground, waited a second… then shot up like a cannon…. repeated.

This is tough on me, due to having somewhat bad knees (painful when they bend all the way), but I didn’t concentrate on my knees; concentrated on the glutes/hamstrings/groin area.

Then I went to deadlift, and worked my way up to 3 plates on each side.

Then leg press… packed on the plates (3, 4, 5, then 6 plates on each side), but held back a little… worked out with my knees all the way to my chest… activating all those motherfuckers in there… all those muscle fibers…

Then cavs… only so manly you can workout your cavs…

And then 10 minutes of jump rope…

Then went home and had my protein shake and carbs (small bowl of white rice – replenishes burnt energy stores, and balances hormones after extreme physical stress), and some nice R&R.

My Theory On How Leg Workouts, and Weight Training In General, Gives You A Bigger Flaccid Penis Hang

I’m not a scientist… but I am somebody who knows my body VERY well… and researches extensively on weight training, testosterone levels, overtraining, how to build muscle mass, nutrition etc.

When increasing muscle mass, oxygen and blood flow rush to the “scene of the crime” or area where trauma causes micro-tears in your muscles, which heal in a larger state.

When working out legs, especially all the gluteal, hamstring, abdominal, and groin muscles that get activated if you workout heavy and with a full range of motion, this general area has excess circulation due to the extra blood flow, doing its job in healing and enlarging the muscles.

Once the “swollen” effect of the initial workout wears out… the excess blood flow and oxygen escapes the “trauma” area, and goes into neighboring areas… including the penis.  Even when at rest. Giving you a bigger penis.

Before You Call Me The Albert Einstein Of Flaccid Penis Enlargement, Remember, This is Just A Theory Brought About Through Recent Observation…

longer flaccid penisI need to test it again next week. If I observe the same massive serpentine hang after the leg workout, then I’ll know I’m on to something.

I slept okay last night, and had a bunch of coffee this morning, so I didn’t have the best “prerequisites”. BUT, I did perform natural penis enlargement exercises yesterday, and the day before… just light exercises, and for not very long at all. Maybe 5 to 10 minutes each day.


I’ve dedicated a lot of my research to finding out penis enlargement exercises that work well for producing a bigger flaccid penis.

I had quite a few embarrassing situations growing up, and as a young adult, that made me want to get a bigger flaccid penis size. My erect size was at least average to begin with, but I was a major “grower” when soft.

Luckily, I’ve been able to greatly increase the size of my flaccid penis. As mentioned above, even on bad days, it’s WAY bigger than it used to be.

If you’re interested in how to make your flaccid penis bigger, my routine works wonders for this…

Oh yeah… and you’ll gain some serious erect size (length and girth) in the process… not a bad thing, right?

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!

-David Carreras aka Mr. Manpower
Mr. Manpower’s Guide to
Overall Manhood Enhancement
The Ultimate Sex Guide for Men… “male potency without drugs”
[email protected]


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