While born here in the US, the Colombian blood runs in me from both sides. And my body calls for that coffee, Colombia’s second-most popular stimulant/export.
I used to look forward to it every morning… my fix. It jump starts the mind, gets you being productive and all social… but the issue is, you crash. Then drink more… not as good as the first time, but still powerful.
But after doing some research into how coffee and testosterone may relate, I decided to cut it out.
I noticed a few thing when drinking coffee on a daily basis:
- I didn’t sleep as deeply, had trouble falling asleep, and didn’t wake up as refreshed.
- I was weaker when I went to the gym in the afternoons
- As soon as I crashed from the coffee high, I was very moody and irritable… even more than that I seemed to suffer from some anxiety.
I began to research, and discovered that coffee increases cortisol, our stress hormone. Cortisol is called out “fight-or-flight” hormone… it is what saved our lives back in prehistoric times when a velociraptor wanted to eat us for lunch. It would make us break free and run. Or fight (and probably die).
Thing is, coffee has been shown to increase cortisol production, and cortisol has an inverse relationship to testosterone, so…
You either feel the effects of the testosterone, or you feel the effects of the cortisol… they fight for domination. So if cortisol is running the show, guess where your testosterone is going.
Studies have confirmed this as well.
So if by drinking coffee we raise cortisol levels, and cortisol has been shown to block testosterone… just put the two of them together, there’s no way that coffee doesn’t reduce testosterone production, at least to some degree.
Either way, I cut out coffee… I’ve been sleeping deeper, waking up more refreshed (which on its own improves testosterone levels). I’m in a better mood all day. I actually get more done now, without that afternoon crash. My libido has increased. I’m lifting more in the gym now…
It was tough at first, I still crave that morning cup o’ joe… but I’m manning up in order to to man up.
For more interesting testosterone-related articles, see here:
Have a good one!
-David Carreras aka Mr. Manpower
Mr. Manpower’s Guide to
Overall Manhood Enhancement
The Ultimate Sex Guide for Men… “male potency without drugs”