But if you ask me, I think flaccid size does matter… to our ego and confidence it does, at least.
Growing up I’ve always had a small penis when soft, but my erect size was at least respectable… I was a grower…
And I always felt like I was hiding something. I had a small penis bulge… Locker rooms were a nightmare…
And thanks to this flaccid penis “deficiency” and small package, I went through some pretty damn embarrassing moments…
Here are some of the “highlights”…
Small Penis Bulge Embarrassment Episode 1: When I was in Middle School, and Sexy Ass Rosie Felt Out My Out “Situation”
In 7th grade I had a crush on Rosie, a beautiful, tan-skinned brunette who was developing rapidly. She was taller than me, and a year older than me… but for some reason she seemed to like me.
One day during lunch, she sat in the table behind me, with her back to me, when she called for my attention.
I looked back, and she purposely leaned over and placed her hand on my crotch area to “support” her. I guess she felt how tiny my flaccid penis was in my PE shorts, and she pulled back and gasped… smiling with a face of disbelief, and her hand over her mouth…
…and never gave me a shot to do anything with her.
I felt like telling her, “wait till it gets hard!”...
But the sad thing is, there was no second chance with Rosie…
I thought as I got older, I would have gotten a more hung penis… but no… after puberty my erect penis was around 6 inches in length, and a fair amount of girth… but with a damn baby-sized flaccid penis.
Episode 2: “Small Penis… Just Like Your Hands…”
Another time, now in my early 20s, I went out on a date with this hot little Dominican/Colombian chick. We were pretty late for the movie we were going to see, so decided to wait around till the next one.
We were just walking and talking… killing time.
It was a bit awkward, but at least we got to know each other. At one point, to kill time, I brought back a juvenile flirting move… and I challenged her to a thumb wrestling match.
Kind of a dumb move, because I don’t have the biggest hands… but hey, it worked as a kid…
In the process of playing this childish game I noticed her hands, while not large or manly, were not small either… and she noticed mine.
Not one to hold back on speaking her thoughts, she told me “you have small hands…”
In defense of my pride, and to cover up embarrassment, I told her “don’t let the size of my hands fool you… I’m big where it counts…”
And she was like “we’ll see about that…”
Shit… challenge on…
Fast-forward a couple of weeks later… me and this girl were seeing each other on a regular basis, and started having sex. I guess my hands weren’t a deal breaker.
Then one day, after cumming, I rolled over on my back, and my dick quickly shriveled up to its small flaccid size.
She wasn’t done though, and wanted to go another round…
She grabbed my penis, trying to make it hard again, and her hands ENGULFED my tiny, little shriveled penis… while playing with it, she mumbled “small hands, small penis“….and rolled away from me, with a smirk on her face.
I was speechless… I had nothing to say. The words shot right through me like a hollow-tip bullet, ripping my self-confidence up in the process… I was fully exposed, with nowhere to hide…
I didn’t even have it in me to say anything…
If I could just get a more hung penis, none of this bullshit would happen….
Episode 3: The Venezuelan Goddess Who Wasn’t Impressed By My Small Dick Bulge…
She was a very hot bartender at Hooters… not a brain surgeon, but definitely had some wonderful assets.
Once again, in my life, I was like “she likes me?”… but shit, I went with it…
We had messed around a good bit, but never got down to the real down-and-dirty, until this one night…
We had drank… quite a bit… starting out with wine… switching over to all sorts of mixed drinks, then ending with beer…
WAY more than I should have, especially if I wanted to get lucky….
In our last few drinks, we were in the backyard, when my friend’s dog started humping her leg… everybody thought it was funny, and for some strange reason she let the dog do it for a little while… strange… (In a weird way it was arousing, and at the same time, I was slightly intimidated by the dog’s masculinity…)
After a couple of more drinks, we went inside, and we started messing around with each other…
Thanks to the ol’ whisky-dick, mixed in with a little old fashioned sexual performance anxiety, my erection was nowhere to be found.
So she quickly pulled my pants down to “inspect the situation”, and felt my abnormally small, lifeless penis… and looked at me with a face of disgust, and told me, “what’s wrong with it?”
I was like, “I’m drunk, I need a second…” and she said: “Why can’t you do me like the dog… that’s what I like”…
I hated that dog… she liked him more than me…
So this embarrassment caused my tiny flaccid penis to shrink even more… and getting an erection was the last thing that was going to happen to me, and once again, my small flaccid penis completely messed things up…
I never had another shot with her, either…
Fuck this tiny flaccid penis. I had to figure out how to make it bigger.
Fast Forward A Few Years. Finally… I Learned How To Get A Hung Penis, And It Works!!!!
Around this time, I started researching natural penis enlargement exercises more heavily, and began performing them.
Within the first week or so, I began to increase my flaccid penis size, and over time, I’ve slowly packed on more and more length, mass and weight to it.
I now have a hung penis. No more small penis bulge. It is a large bulge, and it’s quite noticeable.
Also, a woman can grab my penis whenever, and I have nothing to hide.
One Of the Enjoyments Of Having A Larger Flaccid Penis – Dancing / Grinding With Unknown Women
Now, with my larger flaccid penis, I went out to a club one night, and met a cute black chick with a REALLY nice body… me and her were dancing, getting along, when she began to grind her amazing ass on me.
She was rubbing against my new and improved larger hanging penis, and we danced for a good while, before I got her number, and politely went my own way…
A little later on in the night, one of the girl’s friends came up to me and was like “you were dancing with my friend, right?”
“She said you had a big dick…”
In my mind I was like “WHOA!!”
Then HER FRIEND proceeded to push me against the wall, and “throw it back” as well!
And I’m racist or stereotypical, but she was black… so I would assume she may have dated black men… and you know what they say about black guys…
And I got a big dick??? Enough for it to stand out to the point she told her friend…
This felt so good…
Dancing in the club before was so different…
Before being hung, dancing with women in clubs had become a strange, neurotic anxiety.
I would fidget with my penis, by putting my hands in my pocket, hoping to bring some life to my small bulge before I asked a girl to dance… generally I was so anxious during this time, that my penis would shrink even more.
Sometimes I just said “F’ it”, and went up and asked the girl to dance anyway, but the whole time I’d be preoccupied, wondering if she was able to feel how small my penis was through my pants… and getting an erection while dancing? I actually WANTED to, but was rarely able to, due to the anxiety…
My how things have changed for the better.
How To Increase Flaccid Size Naturally Only Using Your Hands, Resulting in a MUCH Bigger Penis Bulge
Penis enlargement exercises work. 99% of know-it-alls will tell you there’s nothing you can do to make your penis bigger, you’ve got to accept what you got, size doesn’t matter, etc…. but then there’s 1% of the open-minded crowd who’s actually increasing their penis size…
I’m happy to be in that 1%.
One area of penis enlargement I’ve specifically looked into (for the above reasons) is how to increase my flaccid penis size. My flaccid penis MULTIPLE TIMES larger than it used to be, no exaggeration.
Much longer, thicker and heavier… now I can say, without exaggeration, that I’m hung.
For more information on how to safely and permanently make your penis bigger while flaccid, see here: How to Naturally Increase Your Small Flaccid Penis Size…
Have a good one!!!
-David Carreras
Mr. Manpower’s Guide to
Overall Manhood Enhancement
“the ultimate sex guide for men… male potency without drugs“