Can A Bigger Penis Make Women Orgasm Easier?

Women orgasm penis size

It is often thought that a big penis is necessary for a woman to orgasm.

This assumption is often made after looking at porn. Most porn actors have these massive logs, and the women are screaming their heads off during penetration… obviously in orgasmic bliss, right?

Well… not everything is what it seems…

1) In porn, women aren’t always having real orgasms (yes, they quite often fake it).

2) Even with smaller penises, women can orgasm, as long as the technique is correct.

3) Most women don’t orgasm from penetration alone anyway… usually clitoral stimulation is needed to bring her to orgasm.

So don’t fret if your penis is not that large, you can still be effective in bed…

Study On Penis Size Mattering To Women

A study in the 2012 Journal of Sexual Medicine saying that penis size mattered to women who easily had “vaginal orgasms”.

160 of the 323 women in the study were able to have vaginal orgasms, and of them, 33% said they preferred longer penises to get them there. 60% didn’t care, and the rest found a smaller penis more pleasurable than a larger.

The group of women reporting the most “vaginal orgasms”, were the group who preferred the larger penis. In this case the vaginal orgasms may have been brought about via stimulation of the cul-de-sac, located in the cervix. They may also be experiencing clitoral stimulation indirectly due to the girth of the penis, and just not know how to differentiate where the orgasm is coming from.

What we should take from this study is that 60% of the women reporting vaginal orgasms didn’t care about penis size, and some women even preferred a smaller size… And regardless of their size, many of these men were getting their women off.

How Penis Size and Vaginal Anatomy Play A Role in How Easy She Orgasms

If a man has a longer than average penis, he can hit her cul-de-sac easier.

If he has a thicker than average penis, he can better indirectly provide stimulation to the clitoris when penetrating.

Her anatomy matters, too..

Women whose clitoris is closer to the vaginal opening experience orgasms easier. Those whose back end is not as deep will have easier “vaginal orgasms” as well…

However, if her clitoris is far from the opening and/or she has a deeper cul-de-sac, making her orgasm from penetration alone will be more difficult.

Also, a woman’s mind needs to be into it…

She needs to be at ease/comfortable with you, as well as very mentally and physically aroused. Women orgasm much less often during one-night stands than in long-term relationships. Brain wave studies done with an MRI have even shown that certain women can orgasm with thought alone.

Better Penetration Technique And Increasing Penis Length / Girth Will Greatly Help Your Orgasmic Efforts

A man who’s not as long can penetrate in certain positions to hit the cervix (doggystyle with her legs against her chest), and an average or smaller girth can penetrate in ways that will rub the clitoris more directly, such as the coital alignment technique or rubbing into the clit with your pelvis…

If you need help improving your penetration technique to make women orgasm, my guide can help.

Penis enlargement exercises and techniques are actually effective. Adding a bit of extra length and girth will help make each stroke “count” more towards her orgasm. For science supporting penis enlargement, including before-and-after photo proof that it works, see here: Penis Enlargement Studies / Science

For my personal guide to performing penis enlargement exercises, see here.

Questions, comments? Let me know!

Have a good one!

-David Carreras aka Mr. Manpower
Mr. Manpower’s Guide to
Overall Manhood Enhancement
[email protected]

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