Studies on men watching porn without ejaculating, and then lifting weights, have shown that they lift significantly more than men who don’t. They also had higher salivary testosterone levels.
Testosterone production is increased when required. In numerous mammals, including monkeys, lions, hippos and elephants, testosterone levels spike when a female is around and there is a chance to mate.
This works to increase male libido in these species, as well as give them a boost in strength in case they need to fight off other suitors, also pumped full of testosterone.
During mating season, elephants testosterone levels are 60 times higher than normal!!!
So us, as humans, share something similar (to a much smaller multiple than 60!), when watching nude women performing sexual acts… it boosts our testosterone levels and physical strength, allowing us to “better compete”, including the ability to lift more in the gym.
However, if you ejaculate, you’ll “complete” what your higher testosterone levels set out to do, and you’ll be drained and actually lift much less… so watching porn without ejaculating before the gym for a boost of strength is the way to go, and save the sex or masturbation for afterwards.
I wonder if this technique will work when you go out to the club or bars… the human equivalent to male competition over females without the blood (most the time, at least)… maybe watching porn without ejaculating before going out, and you’ll do better with women?
Worth a shot…
For other testosterone-related articles, see here:
Have ya’self a good one… but not too good (if going to the gym)!
-David Carreras aka Mr. Manpower
Mr. Manpower’s Guide to
Overall Manhood Enhancement
the ultimate sex guide for men… “male potency without drugs”