How to Increase Penis Size By Hand – Tips To Make PE Work

how to increase size of penis using hand

Ask around online (because no man would ask in real life), if there’s any way to make your penis bigger, and 9 out of 10 people will give you the same answer:

“No, there’s no way to make your penis bigger…”

It’s not that these men are dumb… but they are assuming here, and incorrect. And if I hadn’t gained penis size myself, I wouldn’t be be so quick to say they’re wrong.

I now have a long, heavy flaccid penis when soft, when I used to be tiny when flaccid.

When I’m erect, I’m 1.5 inches longer than where I was before starting the exercises… I’ve also added somewhere around an inch in extra girth to my erection, and haven’t even been concentrating on girth… it just comes along as a nice side effect of these exercises.

So I can say with confidence… yes, you can make your penis bigger, and with your hands alone. Just takes a little leap of faith, as I understand, our penis is very important to us men, and wouldn’t want to do something stupid to injure it.

Another group of men is men who’ve tried the exercises already, but made no gains in size, so drop out from them and no longer believe they work.

These men just need to learn it the right way, and then they’ll believe.

If you’ve tried penis enlargement, or are interested in learning how to do the exercises, here are 4 tips to really increase penis size using your hands alone

1) Warm Up For A Good While

Warming up is one of the more boring parts of penis enlargement, but essential.

Besides helping to avoid injuries, warming up before doing the exercises seems to make the penis tissue more “malleable” and capable of making more gains.

Warm up the whole area for at least two minutes. Until you feel the entire penis warmed up, including internally. After relaxing the tissue with the warm up, you may get the urge to urinate, and that’s a good sign you’ve warmed up sufficiently… and by all means, pee.

Warming down at the end is important as well, as it helps to keep the penis in the enlarged state for longer.

You can either warm up under the hot water in the shower (cup your hands under) or use a sock filled with rice, tied off. Then microwave the sock (sort of like a homemade heating pad). Make sure to warm up all areas, even under the shaft.

2) Stretch Correctly, In the Right Directions and For Long Enough

You want to make sure you’re gripping the penis correctly, in order to not put pressure on the dorsal nerves. This can actually cause your penis to turtle up. Avoid too much pressure along the top of the shaft.

Our penis has a natural propensity to feel, at its base ligaments, a more “friction-like” stretch either when pulling up or pulling down. Whichever one it is in your case, just know this as your most effective stretch.. Stretches in all directions are important, though…

3) Don’t Forget the Classic Back-And-Forth Slap To Bring Life Back Into The Penis

When I first learned about penis enlargement, all of the original exercise guides would mention the back-and-forth and up-and-down slapping of the penis against your legs as either an essential part of warming up, or after some stretches.

Over time, this part of the penis enlargement exercises has seemed to have been phased out of some of the guides, or overlooked as not important.

This part of the exercises is very important, as it keeps bloodflow in the penis, and keeps the penis “alive” and better to work on.

I personally return to perform a few slaps after every few stretches, and even after jelqing a good bit.

4) Perform Penis Enlargement For Long Enough, and For Enough Days In A Row

(Note: This article used to be 3 tips, but this one was so important, I had to add a 4th.)

The time I made the most penis enlargement gains was when I really applied the exercises, and performed them for a good while per session.

After making some decent gains, I felt I could perhaps ease up, and perform a “light” version of my routine, and hopefully still make some gains. While the light version of the routine helped me with some maintenance, it didn’t lead to any gains, and didn’t leave me with that constant massive flaccid hang that performing the exercises for just a bit longer left me with (although my flaccid size was still night and day compared to what it had been).

This has made stick to a “minimum” per exercise, that has yielded the best results.

The exercises also seem to work well when performed for a few days consecutively… it’s almost like growth is easier to achieve the day after the penis has been conditioned a bit.

More info on Penis Enlargement – How to Increase Penis Size By Hand

Manual penis enlargement exercises are a safe and effective way to increase your penis size.

Good indicators that you are on the right track are a much longer and overall larger flaccid penis, harder erections, and stronger orgasms. Measurable increases in erect size soon follow after the quick initial flaccid gains. If your penis seems to “turtle” or shrink up after your exercises, tone back the pressure a bit, as you may be overdoing it.

I’ve learned a good bit about penis enlargement over the years. For more on how to increase your penis size naturally with your hands, see my guide here.

Have a good one!

-David Carreras aka Mr. Manpower
Mr. Manpower’s Guide to
Overall Manhood Enhancement
The Ultimate Sex Guide for Men… “male potency without drugs”

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Carbs Are ESSENTIAL For Your Testosterone Production

carbs increase testosteroneI remember when the low-carb diet first hit… everyone was going wild over it..

“Oh, I can eat whatever I want… Oh, I can eat all the bacon I want, steak, chicken… it’s GREAT!”

I always knew something was off about that diet… and I was right.

Sure, a couple of my friends slimmed down substantially, claiming to have six packs while eating all the fats they want, but their testosterone levels must have been a mess after cutting out all those carbohydrates!

Meat Has Always Been Considered The “Manly” Food…. But…

If you were to know no better, and were to look at a medium-rare steak versus a bowl of white rice, which would you say would increase your testosterone production?

Without a doubt, I would go with the steak… protein in general.

But as it turns out, it doesn’t work that way…

In this study, one group of men was given a high-CARB / low-protein diet, and another group was given a high-PROTEIN / low carb diet.  The men who consumed higher carbs, and lower protein, had HIGHER testosterone levels, and LOWER cortisol levels compared to the group who ingested a higher ratio of protein to carbs…..

Cortisol, The Enemy Of Testosterone

Cortisol is your stress hormone, or your “fight-or-flight” hormone… generally when you have high cortisol levels, you have low testosterone levels, and vice versa.

During times of high stress, cortisol skyrockets, disrupting your normal hormone production, as well as sleep patterns, metabolism and sense of well-being.

That’s why it is of utmost importance to STOP once in a while, and do nothing… stop being so “productive”, and allow your mind and body to relax.  If not, cortisol can take control…

Low Carbs = Low Testosterone, High Cortisol ESPECIALLY When Working Out

how much carbohydrates post workoutFor a few years now, after my workout, I make sure to eat a small bowl of white rice to refill my glucose stores.

I once read in an EXCELLENT strength trainer’s manual (wish I had kept the link… this was a number of years back), about the importance of ingesting some carbs along with your protein, post workout.  This restores energy “fuel”, and keeps your testosterone from dropping.

(Another interesting tip I gleaned from that manual: besides the mandatory post-protein, post carbohydrate intake, drinking fruit juice immediately after your workout has been said to have a high muscle healing effect – most likely due to the carbs as well).

But something new I recently discovered: a man’s ratio of testosterone to cortisol is a gauge of overtraining (called the fTC ratio, or free Testosterone to Cortisol ratio)…

Overtraining is when you overwhelm your muscles, without properly allowing them to heal.

All of the following CAN lead to overtraining (everybody’s body is different, and can handle different loads, but these are all risk factors):

  • Working out the same muscle group two days in a row (not allowing them sufficient time to heal)
  • Working out for too long (45 minutes to 90 minutes is all you really need)
  • Performing cardio for TOO long (hard to gauge this, but long distance bicyclists and marathon runners generally have much lower T levels following a race)
  • Not sleeping enough, and then working out again (especially working out the day after not sleeping well).
  • Not providing your body with the proper nutrition post workout

As to the last point, this study showed that men who performed three consecutive days of intense training had a sharp decline in testosterone when ingesting a low level of carbs. Meanwhile, men who had a carb-heavy diet before and on workout days were able to maintain their normal levels of testosterone.

Carbs are ESSENTIAL to your man-ness!!!


Carbs Can Increase Stomach Fat, And Excess Stomach Fat Is Linked To Low Testosterone!

abdominal fat and testosteroneThis is where things can get complicated…

Yes, carbs are important for testosterone, but eating excess carbs is the QUICKEST way to increase stomach fat, and excess stomach fat has been linked to LOW T!!.

There’s a bit of a “chicken and the egg” thing going on here…. which came first? Does excess stomach fat lead to low testosterone?  Or does low testosterone lead to excess stomach fat?

Hard to tell, but there’s definitely some sort of 2 way relationship there, and you want to TRY and keep your stomach area as slim as possible (at least compared to where you were baseline – meaning teens, early 20’s).

I know this can be very difficult. Especially as we age, this battle becomes increasingly difficult (everything we eat just STICKS to our gut area… not like in our teens… eat some late night Taco Bell, and by the next day it was out of your system… back to a six-pack).

So how do we take in the proper amount of carbs, without gaining excess GUT?

Mr. Manpower’s Guidelines To Proper Carb-Intake For Testosterone Production, Without Gaining A Gut

We’ve already established that the low-carb diet is not for men… at least not for men who want to function like men.

But excess carbs is an issue, too, leading to extra abdominal fat… so how to balance everything?

Personally, these are my dietary guidelines to get my proper carbohydrate intake, without building my gut:

  • Eat a high protein, high-carb cereal with plenty of fiber and milk in the morning (milk has fat-burning qualities on it’s own).  Look for one of those cereals made for losing weight. Combined with some coffee, this will flush your system, and make way for more food (as well as kick-start your metabolism).
  • Don’t go TOO long throughout the day without eating a small snack at least; you want to keep your metabolism going.
  • Eat a balanced lunch, with a fair amount of REAL carbs (white rice or potatoes), but not a super heavy load, and a fair amount of protein and fats of some sort.
  • Eat an hour and a half before working out. A decent meal of carbs and protein. If possible, use your lunch ^^^ as your pre-workout meal, to not overdo the calorie intake for the day. If you have to workout late in the day, then eat a small lunch (tuna on wheat is perfect, with a few chips for the fats, and a fruit) to hold yourself over to the larger meal, and to not overdo calorie intake.
  • Drink a protein shake and a small plate of white rice, pasta or potatoes IMMEDIATELY after your workout, for the carb and protein replenishing.
  • An hour after your post workout “meal”, eat dinner, or a real meal, with heavier protein, but much less carbs… you’ve already had plenty of carbs throughout the day.
  • Try not to eat TOO late, but do eat a very small, healthy snack before sleeping, as a small carb “dose” right before bed helps you sleep better, which: 1) better recharges testosterone, 2) reduces cortisol the following day, 3) helps muscles heal and grow better, 4)improves metabolism the next day, 5) improves mind-state the following day.
  • Treat yourself once in a blue moon to a nice, fatty snack, like a bacon cheeseburger or pizza, which gives you that nice fat injection (that we crave so much), also important for testosterone, BUT LIMIT YOURSELF.
  • Crackery, starchy, bready snacks, and sugary snacks… cut them out as much as possible. They provide no nutrients, and are the fluffy kind of starches that just add “gut” with nothing in return.
  • Coming from an ex HEAVY-drinker, limit your alcohol intake when possible… if it’s a good night, and you’re having fun, go for it… just know you’ll have to make up for it later.  If there’s no good reason to drink, and the “opportunity” presents itself, consider passing.
  • Of course, eat fruits and vegetable when you can.

I don’t eat brown rice, as it doesn’t provide me with that energy boost like white rice does… I rather just eat a smaller portion of white rice.

The formula to losing gut is simple = take in less calories a day than you burn.  Try your best to balance these things!

Also, add some cardio to your day!  It’s not so much the intensity, but rather the duration!  When possible, rather than taking the car somewhere, walk! Rather than take the elevator, take the stairs!  Go play basketball!  Or just go for a jog around the block a couple of times!  This helps with the burning calories part of the formula.

Follow these guidelines, and you should have enough carbs to keep your Testosterone levels healthy, without growing your gut.

For a set of scientifically-backed guidelines to keep your testosterone production at full strength naturally, see here!

Have a good one!

-David Carreras aka Mr. Manpower
Mr. Manpower’s Guide to
Overall Manhood Enhancement

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How Adrenaline Makes You More Attractive To Women

 Adrenaline can make you more attractive to women

I recently came across an interesting article that summarizes a number of studies showing how adrenaline influences attraction in a positive manner.

Whether going out meeting women, first dating, or keeping a relationship alive, you can use this information in order to improve the attraction that is going on.

Now, please note… while many not so attractive guys are able to attract much better looking women (look around, it happens quite a bit… and definitely much more than the reverse), they often do this with their charm, knowledge, status/power, sense of humor… or other talents — $$$.

But in some cases, there’s just nothing you can do. No amount of adrenaline will make you attractive to a woman who likes 6 foot tall black men with beards if you are a 5’4″ Asian with no facial hair (or vice versa! There’s a type for everybody!).

BUT… this is some knowledge that can better stack the chips in your favor if your foot is at least in the door already.

Arousal From Fear & Anxiety Can Produce An Increase in Attraction

Adrenaline and attraction

Studies have shown that adrenaline caused by fear can actually increase attraction to the opposite sex.

In the “Love at First Fright” study carried out by Meston & Frohlich in 2003, both males and females waiting in line to ride a rollercoaster, and upon exiting the rollercoaster, were shown images of fairly attractive individuals of the opposite sex. The scores of attractiveness of the image were higher on average from persons leaving the rollercoaster — after having gone on the frightening ride and having their adrenaline levels spike — compared to persons who had not yet ridden.

Cohen, Waugh, and Place (1989) researched couples’ attraction at a movie theater. They noticed that couples leaving exhilarating suspense movies exhibited more romantic behavior (touching, talking) compared to couples who had just seen low-arousing movies.

In another study, by Dutton and Aron (1989), two groups were shown the same video by a “teacher”. One group was told it was a real life situation, while the other was told it was role playing. The group that believed it was real felt all sorts of emotions, squirming, laughing nervously, etc. The group that knew it wasn’t real didn’t experience much emotions, at least not as strong as a response, as would be expected.

But what’s interesting is that, at the end of the study, the group was asked to judge the attractiveness of the teacher. The group that saw the “real life situation” judged the presenter to be much more attractive than the group that hadn’t received such a strong arousal response.

The Adrenaline from Exercise & Competitive Games Boosts Attraction

adrenaline and attraction

Sinclair, Hoffman, Mark, Martin, and Pickering (1994) conducted a study on two groups, one who had been seated / inactive, and another that had been exercising. The researchers then provided the subjects with several questions, asking them about their opinions on members of the opposite sex, but also images of beautiful scenery and other aesthetically pleasing imagery.

The group that had exercised had much more positive impressions of the members of the opposite sex, as well as better enjoying the beautiful imagery then the group who had not performed any exercise.

While adrenaline plays a role here, it’s also possible that extra dopamine produced during exercise provides a boost as well. Several other exercise = adrenaline = attraction studies have been carried out, showing that the more adrenaline produced, the higher the attraction.

Meanwhile, in another study (Lewandowski and Aron, 2004), males and females who didn’t know each other were partnered up, and asked before commencing to rate their partner’s attractiveness. The “couples” were then split into groups, with some playing high competition / high arousal games and others group playing low competition / low arousal games.

The partners that took part in the high competition / high arousal games were found to have an INCREASE in the attraction felt for their partner… compared to how they originally felt about them at baseline.

Using This Information Practically in Dating and To Keep The Flames Alive in a Long Term Relationship

Keeping attraction in long term relationship

Now that you know that fear and anxiety increase adrenaline in a beneficial way to your attraction, you can try and make a first date to a horror movie, or haunted house (if that time of year). Suspense movies should do as well. This should also help spark some more attraction if you’re in a long term relationship (LTR).

As in the scenario with the teacher demonstrating the films where students believed the situations were real life, if you can keep your cool in a scenario where emotions run high (like a teacher), you may be seen as more attractive… in other words, man up and maintain control when it counts.

Using exercise to increase adrenaline, and therefore boost attraction, is a real easy idea to integrate into your life / dating. That cute girl you’ve been trying to figure out a first date for? Ask her to go for a run! Same goes if you and your wife have been at a low point for a while.

And while at it… whoop her ass in a race! The competition and games was shown to have a beneficial effect… (I’ve personally used this with excellent results).

Or just take her out to anywhere else where you can have some friendly competition… mini-golf, go carts… and don’t go too easy! The intense competition yields better results!

And remember, this should provide benefits both to new love interests, and longer-burning flames.

Related Posts:

  • Women Need to Orgasm During Sex To Feel Complete With A Man (see here)
  • Is 6 Inches Enough to Satisfy a Woman? (see here)
  • Testosterone Maintaining Effects of Quick, Early-Day Workout (see here)

Have a good one!

-David Carreras aka Mr. Manpower
Mr. Manpower’s Guide to
Overall Manhood Enhancement

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Penis Enlargement Studies, Science & Photos – Supporting Evidence

penis enlargement studies

I’ve increased my penis size with manual enlargement exercises, as have the men I learned PE from, as have the thousands of men who’ve learned the techniques from me.

So I know it works…

But up until now, unfortunately, science unfortunately hasn’t performed any large scale, serious studies on manual penis enlargement techniques.

And while I even know of a couple actual doctors who do manual penis enlargement — including one who would brag about being the largest on the nude beach he’d frequent — you’re not going to find any strong, public medical approval of penis enlargement… at least not anytime soon.


When it comes to science supporting penis enlargement, there are some studies, surveys and actual penis enlargement photos (before-and-after) showing that you can enlarge the penis, and without injury, that should hopefully give you enough confidence in the techniques to try out for yourself.

I’d say the before and after photo will be the most convincing, but worth hearing out the few penis enlargement studies and related info that supports PE.

Survey of 545 Men And Their Natural Penis Enlargement Results

Back in 2008, a survey of 545 men was carried out on the now defunct

I emailed the results of the study to myself, and have kept them in my records:

  • Top gainers were able to gain 1 inch in length and half an inch in extra girth in 3 months of performing the exercises
  • Out of the 545 men, only 7 felt that penis enlargement exercises did not work
  • Men who ejaculated less gained more
  • The majority of men experienced stronger and harder erections
  • The amount of time put in correlated to gains made

While surveys are not without their flaws, and this would been better in a more controlled setting, seeing repeating results in a large group is indeed strong anecdotal evidence.

Penis Enlargement Studies Showing Size Gains Are Possible with An Extension Device

In a 2011 study published in the Journal Of Sexual Medicine, after 3 months of wearing an extension device for several hours a day, men showed a permanent increase in flaccid penis size of 1.7 centimeters (0.66 inch), and a permanent increase in erect size of the same increase (1.7 centimeters or 0.66 inch). The glans (penis head) showed a slight increase in size, as well.

A 2009 study published in the British Journal of Urology had similar findings, only with a larger flaccid gain of nearly an inch at the end of the study period.

The results of these penis enlargement studies show that the enlargement of the penis is possible, but in my option, due to the results after so much hard work, I find extension devices to not be a good penis enlargement method, especially with such a heavy investment in time.

I gained about that much size in my first couple months of applying the manual penis enlargement exercises, and that was only for a few minutes a day, 4 or 5 times a week.

With manual techniques, you can add more force to the tunica and ligaments, and pull in different directions, which is very important, as opposed to an extension device that just stretches out straight forward. With manual techniques, you can also add girth, and extension / traction devices lack in that area.

Study On Heat And Elongation Of Collagenous Tissue

penis enlargement studyWhile not a penis, this study shows some interesting effect on how heat, and applying force, leads to permanent elongation of collagenous tissue (our penis is made up of collagenous tissue).

While a rat’s tail is not a penis, it’s still quite interesting.

From the study:

“The data showed that the low force, long duration procedure was very effective at producing residual elongation. Elevating tissue temperature and maintaining it prior to applying force was found to cause significantly less damage; and finally, the lower loads applied at elevated temperatures for prolonged periods were found to produce significantly greater residual elongation.”

Before you freak out at the word damage, just know, when you are lifting weights, you are “damaging” your muscles, and they heal in a larger state.

This study also shows the importance of warming up before (and during) your penis enlargement exercises… it’s not just for injury prevention, but actually leads to greater gains.

Penis Enlargement Photos Proving That PE Works

One of the strongest pieces of evidence for me, when I was gaining faith in penis enlargement, were personal testimonials from men, along with the accompanying before-and-after photos showing their results.

SEEING, with your own eyes, a penis that has been enlarged, is powerful proof that penis enlargement works.

Men who’ve read my guide have sent me before-and-after photos showing the gains they made, and I’ve collected them all on one .pdf file. Some men have gained some serious size.

I won’t post them on my site, as Google could possibly categorize my site as adult/porn. To see these photos, send me an email to [email protected] with “Photo Proof” in the subject line, and I’ll reply with the .pdf attached.


You can build up faith in confidence in penis enlargement with these studies and photos, but in the end, penis enlargement requires a leap of faith more than anything. Warm up, don’t overdo it, and you won’t injure yourself… your penis is FAR more resilient than you think it is.

Not until you put that ruler up next to your penis, and see a measurably larger erection, will the doubt be completely removed from your mind.

If interested in penis enlargement, give it a shot. I’ve been researching on it, and performing it, for many years now… for more information, see here: How To Make Your Penis Bigger

Have a good one!

-David Carreras aka Mr. Manpower
Mr. Manpower’s Guide to
Overall Manhood Enhancement
The Ultimate Sex Guide for Men… “male potency without drugs”

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